Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tom Hayden's Blog

Be sure to check out TOM HAYDEN's WEBSITE & BLOG which has lots of updates on the Alex Sanchez Case.
Tom has been a long time supporter of Alex and is one of his biggest allies. His writings are important to read and share.

Here's the lastest update re: Judge Real's surreal behavior/actions...


Monday, December 14, 2009

Planning the Exhibit Installation

So we've been planning more for the exhibition... brainstorming and fine tuning things more to see what would be best for the exhibit installation we will be creating.

Here is some images we put together as an exercise to see what kinds of images we could make with all the posters created thus far. Take a look and let us know what you think!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Political Posters

We have since created a few more posters as well as t-shirts and some bike cards to be shared with the community to educate others about the FREE ALEX campaign.

Here is a selection:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Project & Programming Plans

In our conversations with Homies Unidos and We Are Alex we saw that our own organizing and artistic skills and experience could most help the organizations and so after much brainstorming, planning and thought, we plan on doing the following...


Postering & Stickers, t-shirts (documentation)
( towards beginning)

Bike card

Screenings of “Fruits of War” Video at 18th street Art Center EARLY, possibly (Th. 1/28/10?)
*figure out dates to possibly show other locations

Street theater /guerrilla theater (w/Alejandro) At opening
-Recording of it
Plot performance art in institutional courtyards (LACMA, Hammer, etc.)

Temporary tattoos w/ key words like “18th St. Art Center”

Sample drawing of possible tattoo:

Projection of tattoos/paintings on bodies/walls (see installation plan ideas)

Videos: “crazy baldhead” - possibly w/ street corner guerrilla showings

Here's some sample shaved head photos from the video shoot:

Panel discussion (Mike de la Rocha) MID FEBRUARY
Possible dates:
Thur. 2/11
Sat. 2/13
Thurs. 2/18
Sat. 2/20

Looking to do at a high profile locations perhaps Redcat, Hammer, JANM, etc.


After brainstorming, we presented and planned and got feedback. Over the vacation we met and brainstormed and planned somemore (a non-stop process here)...and came up with some line drawings of different ways we could install at 18th Street Art Center. Rodrigo compiled them in some sketches and here are the most updated plans:

We are moving forward and excited and busy....